I've finally gotten settled in my new place, though there are still some things to unpack... On clear days I have a WI-FI connection from my parents house, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to introduce my new pet chickens!
I got them last Saturday at a local flea market for a nice lady who has just begun selling her chicks. She said she wasn't so great at sexing yet, so I'm hoping I ended up with two hens (I don't want a rooster!).
I picked two different color chicks so that I will be able to tell them apart. Lucille is a Buff Orfington (the lighter one) and Martha is a Rhode Island Red. Research indicates that they are both hardy breeds, tolerant to heat and cold, and good egg layers.
Both Lucille and Martha are around 5 weeks old. It will be awhile before they start laying eggs fit for consumption but I wanted babies so they will grow up being used to me.
Yesterday I built a chicken run around their coop for them. They seemed to really enjoy it. I just have to watch out for neighbor hood cats that want an easy meal!
I've ordered some organic chick feed for them, though it hasn't arrived yet. Now they are eating the starter feed that came in the kit I bought. I really hope the organic one arrives soon.
My next project is starting a compost bin so I can recycle their litter and other materials from my home so I can have my own supply of organic fertilizer!
It's been a few weeks since I saved that draft. Lucille and Martha are doing great! I'm still not sure if they are hens or roosters though... The people I asked on Instagram had mixed opinions. Guess I'll have to wait until they lay an egg or crow! Here are more recent pics of them both:
I've moved my computer into the other bedroom so that it picks up the wi-fi better. I'm going to try and do better at posting!